A week to go, a week to go... That's the refrain that's been echoing through Bela's head all day. A week to go until her "one year to go" countdown.
She can't take much more of this, except she can and she will. She simply doesn't want to. The fucking door to Milliways finally showed up earlier tonight, and she slipped in to claim her usual booth
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So, Bela now has a Cal to go with that martini. One who is glancing at her neck as he sits, saying,
"Hey, Isabella."
She sets down her glass (she's on her third martini, but not acting like it) and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a most welcome kiss hello.
"I can't believe it's been so long since I last saw you. It feels like months. Look!" She points to her neck. "All gone. Magical cosmetic surgery. It's ancient history."
She's over the vampire bite. She has way more pressing matters on her mind.
"Good," he says. "Glad to hear it.
"So how are you, other than that?"
"I'm okay. Ish. Better, now that I'm here."
"Anything in particular?" he asks.
He thinks he might know the answer to that, but it could always be something else. Bela's life is hardly a quiet one.
"It's a week until it's one year to go. I can't- I'd like to stop thinking about it, but it's not easy."
She rests her head on his shoulder.
"I've got nothing. No leads. I'm thinking about summoning the Crossroads Demon again because there's- nothing."
Except D'Hoffryn's offer. She's not quite sure how to broach that particular subject.
Cal sighs, because of course she doesn't. Not really.
"There's still that thing from Wolfram and Hart," he reminds her. "I know it's not a guarantee, but it's not nothing. And there's still plenty to look into here, and - there's always Milliways."
He leans his head against hers. "I know you want to win, but you might want to start thinking about just settling for not losing."
"I'm thinking about it. Believe me. There's a- another girl here. Ava. She works for a, well, they call him a demon lord, but he's not like the demons I know. He does justice. Takes care of people. The realm is in Wolfram & Hart's universe, but- the demon lord talked to me. About possibly maybe..."
She trails off.
"If I just leave, it won't go away. She comes here. The door will still open to my world. I have to keep trying. I'm just- not handling it well for the moment. I'll get better. I always do."
Cal's not so good at splitting hairs when it comes to demons.
"About possibly maybe what?"
Bela doesn't know Ava's a psychopath. But since Bela is not what you'd call normal, it doesn't quite matter.
"It can't hurt to find out more. They don't make the same kind of deals."
"Probably don't want to dismiss anything out of hand right now."
The time to watch Bela for fear-driven stupid decision-making has clearly begun.
"Tell me about how you've been, and your Penny. I want to hear everything."
She wants to hear about normal things. Happy things.
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