
Feb 04, 2010 10:43

Finding the magical library upstairs had been enough to ruffle Zelgadiss' outward calm, enough to stir the embers of hope within his heart, that he might find something of use ( Read more... )

zelgadiss, mia ausa

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gorgonfondness February 4 2010, 16:22:36 UTC
If Mia didn't know better, she would think Zelgadiss was the sort having a good time reading. But she does and thinks that it might be better not to disturb him, even though it's clearly been a while since she's seen him.

Not knowing the last time he ate, however, and maternal instincts paired with her own hunger prompt her to get a plate of food for him and leave it by his wine, her magic keeping the plate warm so that his food will be hot when he chooses to eat it.

They can catch up when he desires to catch up. She'll be nearby, enjoying her own meal.


chime_ra_tilt February 4 2010, 16:29:02 UTC
He's not the sort to let a friend pass so close without notice (or anyone pass so close without notice, for that matter. His sword is still at his side), even when caught up in reading.

If he can react to the un-heard, un-yelled yell of the annoyance/love of his life while searching though tomes, a friend passing close to him and leaving him food definitely will get his attention.

He does glance up, watching her put the plate on the end table with something that's almost a smile.



gorgonfondness February 4 2010, 16:35:49 UTC
And Mia smiles at seeing him. It's been years, but she hasn't forgotten. She was actually just talking about him a couple of weeks ago.

"Hello, Zelgadiss. It's been a while."

Long enough for "married for half a year" to be "married nearly five years and expecting a baby in three-ish weeks" now.


chime_ra_tilt February 4 2010, 16:39:45 UTC
"It has been," he says, nodding to her. And her obvious pregnancy. "You are well?"


gorgonfondness February 4 2010, 16:48:06 UTC
"I'm well, if understandably antsy. I have just a little over three weeks left before my baby is born."

Lucky Zelgadiss missed the mood swings.

"With any luck I'll actually manage to get some rest before he arrives. These last weeks have made me so restless that I end up doing chores over and over so I'll have something to do during the day."


chime_ra_tilt February 4 2010, 16:52:07 UTC
As spectacular as pregnancy mood swings can be, Zelgadiss travels with Lina Inverse. The mood swings of anyone else pale in comparison.

Zelgadiss reaches over to take his wine glass and sip. "You have a name yet?"


gorgonfondness February 4 2010, 16:55:42 UTC
Ah, but it's always the quiet ones who surprise you with the mood swings.

Though Lina is certainly formidable competition.

"We do. Draco's family tradition is names from constellations and we managed to agree on Cepheus."

She gets out a little picture from her pocket.

"There are doctors here with machines that can take pictures of the baby before he's born. Want to see?"


chime_ra_tilt February 4 2010, 16:58:37 UTC
Zelgadiss wouldn't want to be anywhere near a brass rackets court, should Lina and Mia take literal mood swings at each other.

But he'd still bet on Lina. From a safe distance. Might as well make money off of some of the destruction. It'll help pay for the restaurant bill afterward.

He blinks slightly as he sips his wine, shrugging. "Sure."


gorgonfondness February 4 2010, 17:03:28 UTC
Mia hands him the ultrasound* when he's put down his wine. Since it's a relatively late one, he gets the benefit of the baby actually looking like a baby.

"Amazing what technology can do nowadays," she says with a smile.\

*Disclaimer: Alien fetus is not an accurate representation of Mia's baby. We just like a good joke.

-The Munagement


chime_ra_tilt February 4 2010, 17:10:42 UTC
"Science does what magic cannot, and vice-versa," he says, holding the image in one hand as he finishes off his wine. "I'm sure he will be healthy."

And happy, he knows, as far as one's family can ensure that. He is sure Mia will be a conscientious and loving mother.

Barring extreme and unlikely catastrophe, the issues Zelgadiss faced with his own family will not be issues for young Cepheus. He would not wish that on anyone.

Bar one, possibly.


gorgonfondness February 5 2010, 00:45:59 UTC
It's rather difficult to find someone more loving than Mia considering her track record so far.

"He will be as far as we know. I've been in good health and only have the normal aches and pains of pregnancy to complain about."


"Speaking of, I think sitting down was a mistake. Would you mind helping me up so that I can make use of the facilities?"


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