[OOC: A little while after
"--So that's four for chinese, one for pizza because he's difficult and- wow."
Jack stops short as the door swings open, taking in the warmth and noise of the bar. That's new, that's...
Perhaps not entirely unexpected.
"...Or I could bring something back from here," he continues to himself, holding the door
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"Gets my vote. God, the use I could have made of this place if..." he breaks off in exasperation.
"Let's just go for that coffee."
At the moment he's pretty much following Jack's lead. It's a bit unsettling, having him 1)back 2)recently dead (and then not-dead) and 3)talking about going out to the movies.
So. Lead. Jack's. Yes.
Mun is just happy she can finally use this icon in context.
Then he turns around to lean against her and face Ianto.
"So," he begins, sounding suitably awkward. "Guess we have all the time we need to talk, now."
"We do. Though at the moment I find myself at a bit of a loss of what to say."
"Yeah. Likewise. I guess-- How long was I gone for? Your time?"
That's a start, since paradoxes screw with timelines like nothing else.
Still. Could have been a lot worse.
"I'm sorry. Things were a little out of control there."
Out loud, anyway. The way he looks at Jack says Tell me. tell me everything, even the parts that hurt.
He sips more raktajino.
To both a relationship and his own mental state.
"How... how bad did it get for you?"
He means all of them, and what official trouble they had, but he's also watching Ianto intently, eyes worried.
"The Himalayas are not exactly what I'd call an ideal vacation spot. Particularly when you're on a wild goose chase.
"I think--well, you saw. Nothing like hardship to make a team cohesive. We hardly fight anymore."
Circle, circle, circle.
"I missed you. A lot."
It's like they're a whole different team. Jack privately bets the fighting will start again now he's back. He knows he isn't exactly a soothing influence.
Ianto. Oh god, don't--
"I missed you too."
"Dinner and a movie." Yes, there is a little bit of a smile. "Jack Harkness, boyfriend."
There's a hint of flirtation in his answering smile.
"Because you'd better get used to it."
"It'll be nice to have a name to put to it."
"Instead of 'here is my boss, who is also remarkably handy with a stopwatch'?"
The inventiveness of that one still makes him smile.
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