(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 19:02

Sam's downstairs, again.
(December 24th)
He'd slept like a rock in Cata's room, and thought that maybe he could manage getting one of his own, earlier. But the Bar is... odd, today. Possibly more so than usual.
(9 PM, Eastern Standard Time)
But it's hard to tell when you're more odd than usual yourself.
(From here on in, I shoot without a script)
So he's back at the chair by the fire, people-watching and biting back the inexplicable urge to narrate what he's seeing. (He still has the scarf and camera.)
(So that's... coming along.)
He wouldn't say no to a distraction, if one doesn't mind a bit of sneezing and the like along the way.

(OOC: Open for like ever, given that this is The Holidays... but I had to do something with the timing, all things considered.)

[tiny whitetexting tag: Sam
tiny plague tag: IMDb flu]

gus dickinson, mark cohen, sam (villains by necessity)

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