(no subject)

Dec 19, 2009 13:52

After her wounds were attended to in the infirmary, Bela insisted on writing a couple of letters before she left with Cal. She was too furious to let anyone else do it for her, even though she was beyond tired by that point.

To whom it may concern:

My name is Bela Talbot, and I appear to have been attacked by a vampire. I was waylaid somewhere between my room (Room 5) and the main bar. I woke up in the library, and I remember absolutely nothing about the attack itself. I don't know how I got to the library or what happened there, but I have fang marks on my neck and blood loss. I was just treated in the infirmary.

I'm experienced with the dangers of the supernatural, so if I was overpowered, I imagine less knowledgeable women are in great danger. You'd better take care of this problem, because I am fucking pissed off that I cannot walk from my room to the bar in safety. In my world, beheading traditionally takes care of vampires. Just an FYI.

I'd be happy to answer any questions, but I'm leaving to stay with a friend for a few days in his world while I recover. I'll be back. I'm not so easily run off.

Bela Talbot


I left a note for Security that you'll probably see, if you're around. I'm shaken up, but I'm mostly okay. I'm more angry than anything else at this point, since whatever this was fucked with my memory, and not just fed on me. Everyone thinks this was a vampire attack, and it probably was. Demons usually want you to remember everything they do to you, but I just don't know. I don't know if the demon who attacked me was involved at all, but it's a possibility. Keep an eye out, and if anyone on Security needs more information about demons from my world, you could mention a few things. Just leave my name out of it.

Cal's taking me to his New York until I'm a little less shaky and freaked out. I'll see you soon, yeah?


Tag: A Gothic Winter Tale

note, bela talbot

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