Visit #1

Dec 13, 2009 17:27

Maybe Osaka was just being dense as usual, but she sure didn't remember a lake last time she was here.

The young girl, fresh out of school and still wearing her uniform, had already gotten pretty suspicious when she'd walked up to Chiyo's mansion and found the front gate was missing. Osaka couldn't picture anybody stealing that -- it'd be really heavy -- but then again, people in Tokyo were...weird. And then there were those mountains way up the drive...and the forest...huh. Maybe real rich people can just get those put in or somethin'...

Osaka knocked on the door like always, trying to put that out of her mind; when nobody answered, she hesitated and then let herself in, laying eyes on...uhh. Huh. This was different. "Hey, Chiyo! How come you didn't tell me you were remodelin'? The bar looks real neat...and, uh...I like the mountains, too. In your yard. They're...big and stuff. Got a nice purplish color..." Her eyes shifted over to a nearby observation window and -- woah. She couldn't help but stare open-mouthed at the glorious edge of the universe. "Hey, that's real must be, uhh...holograms or somethin'. I bet Chiyo built 'em herself..."

Somebody should probably distract her; she could stare like that for hours...

osaka, sari sumdac

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