In the magical library

Oct 28, 2009 20:42

[[OOM 1: Gil Whimple fights the Battle of Hogwards, and builds a new life]]

[[OOM 2: Asar-Suti goes to find Gil in his world]]

Asar-Suti is in the library today, but he's not sorting books, he is sorting seed packages from the garden. Only very few of those does he put aside, to take with him when he leaves, for Gil's garden of magical herbs.

The door is open, and people who know where the library is can find the purple deity there.-

[[OOC: OOM 1 millitimed to after Gil left in June; OOM 2 written in Google Docs with essayel AKA Gil-mun, and millitimed to early mid-October. Locked to the candidates for the library and the garden, plus Mike or Guppy, sorry!]]

guppy sandhu, hermione granger, michaelangelo, asar-suti

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