
Oct 23, 2009 19:48

Scotland clearly doesn't get cold in fall. Although...he thinks it was pretty damn freezing here last year, if memory serves. Still, mild or not, the leaves are dropping and it's coming up on Halloween so it's time for a shift that embraces that.

Besides, he's tired.


Autumnal Equinox
Hot CiderHot Chocolate (with or without whipped ( Read more... )

jacen solo, bartending, justin taylor, yrael

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mogget_cat October 23 2009, 19:47:03 UTC
At least Justin's ankles will be warm.



art_and_brian October 23 2009, 19:52:07 UTC
Warm, and being stared at.

'Oh. Hi, Yrael.


Do cats gets drunk? That'd be awesome to see.


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 19:59:18 UTC
Yrael enjoys it when the mulberries start fermenting on the trees, and the birds, drunk, fall out of the trees.

Om nom.

"I had not yet thought about what I would order, but yes, cider would be lovely."

He promises not to try and trip the bartender.


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 20:04:20 UTC
Justin would be vexed if he did.

Or something.

'Don't worry, I didn't make it,' he says, as he ladles him out a mug.

'Cinammon stick?'


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 20:15:32 UTC
"Are your cider-making skills so dismal as to warrant a warning?" he asks, using a partially open drawer as a springboard with which to get up onto the bar top.

"Yes, please."


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 20:17:02 UTC
'Maybe? I've never made it before and thought this probably wasn't the best time to start experimenting.'

One hot cider, with garnish.

'Want that in a bowl?'


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 20:19:38 UTC
"A cup would be fine," he says, leaping down onto a barstool and shifting into his more human-shape.

"I wouldn't think there would be many ways to go wrong with cider."


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 20:35:59 UTC
'You'd be surprised,' he says, drily.

'If I tried it it would probably end up more like orange juice or entirely of cloves or something.'

He'd probably make it very well, really. He's just never tried and is too lazy to make the effort tonight.

'How are you?'


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 20:38:31 UTC
"I doubt that," he smirks.

"I'm... well, I'm arguing with myself that it's far too early for me to be feeling my annual bout of cabin fever."

He needs to go on that hunt-down-and-destroy mission with Axel, soon. A little fun and violence and burning things is always good for the soul.


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 20:41:25 UTC
'Why? When was the last one?'

This is pertinent information if he's going to comment with any sense of accuracy, he feels.


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 20:47:35 UTC
"I tend to begin feeling the need to get out of the bar for a while during the middle of winter, when it is too wet and cold to really enjoy myself outside."

The influx of people from the Old Kingdom, and the problems their presence, brings, doesn't help either.


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 20:49:16 UTC
'Oh. Well in that case, it probably is too early.'

He shrugs.

'Unless you want to break with tradition and get cabin fever now and in the middle of winter.

Besides, it's always the middle of winter somewhere, right?'


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 20:54:32 UTC
"I'd rather not switch to that tradition, thanks," he says, sipping his cider.

"I'd almost rather have it now and get it over with, to be truthful, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the encroaching feeling of being shut in."


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 21:09:29 UTC
'Is it so hard not to be?'


'I mean, if you want to go, why not just go?'


mogget_cat October 23 2009, 21:21:13 UTC
"It's wanting someplace new. Which means finding someone to open a door for me."


art_and_brian October 23 2009, 21:32:51 UTC


'Well, I'd offer Pittsburgh but it's as boring and ordinary as you can get so I'm guessing that's not really your thing.'

Plus, Yrael would scare the living shit out of everyone.


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