(no subject)

Oct 22, 2009 08:40

[OOM: As soon as the signals from space were reported, the United States began preparing in earnest.

Sam Witwicky, on the other hand, just tried to make it through calculus class.
And garnered some unlooked-for blonde attention.]

The elevator doors open with a sound like the THX Sound played in reverse, and a profoundly disgruntled big black mech storms out. "This is not where I had intended to go," he snaps at the Bar. "I do not have time for this!"

Bar? Is unimpressed.

"Fine. Very well. I'll spend some time here. If the doors to Autobase haven't returned by the time I'm done with my target practice there will be the Pit to pay."

Ironhide doesn't take being told to blow off steam very gracefully. Hope you weren't planning on any peaceful relaxing time out back today.

ironhide, oom

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