(no subject)

Oct 06, 2009 14:37

Ellen hasn't gone back to her world yet. After Oasis, the Wasteland looks... rather different. It's one thing to see trees in Milliways, but to be surrounded by them in her own world? Something else entirely.

There is also the factor of what she learned from Linden. The clothing she got from the dead woman on board the alien ship has become immensely disturbing as a result*. Getting new clothes from the Bar would be a waste of caps she could just as easily spend on decent armor, assuming she finds Crow or someone similar, so right now she's opted for another angle altogether: taking the overcoat that Elliot found for her and modifying it to fit her properly, instead of its original six-foot-broad-shoulders owner. It's slow going, as it turns out the blasted thing is reinforced six ways from Sunday and might very well qualify as a form of light armor itself, so if you happen to be the sort to notice an extremely frustrated young (if grey-haired) woman struggling with the job of 'measure twice, cut once, measure again, cut again, sew sixteen times, repeat'? She's right over there by the fire and would probably be happy to put the work down and talk.

*Yes, we know 'the clothing she got from the dead woman' would be disturbing to most people from the start. Most people are not used to living in an environment that hadn't seen genuine new clothes made in two hundred years. It makes a difference.

alyx vance, ellen park

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