
Sep 25, 2009 21:51

There's a werewolf at the bar looking over various pieces of equipment, a pot of tea at his elbow.


river song, captain ryan

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riversinger September 26 2009, 03:03:27 UTC
"Hullo you."

Have a pretty blonde werewolf to go with your new toys.

"What's all this?"


captainryan September 26 2009, 03:10:15 UTC
Hey, that is a pretty blond werewolf.

But Ryan's only interested in River.

"Paintball. Mostly harmless." He allows himself an innocent smile.


riversinger September 26 2009, 03:17:03 UTC
"Paint ball? Is it -- some kind of martial art form?"

She slips in beside him, and helps herself to a cup of tea.


captainryan September 26 2009, 03:24:33 UTC
"No. It's paint." He tosses something at her. "In a ball."

His scent says he's teasing.


riversinger September 26 2009, 03:32:20 UTC
She eyes the small, brightly coloured sphere, turning it between her finger, her nose wrinkling slightly.

"It smells like the lake shore on a still day in the sun."


captainryan September 26 2009, 03:38:49 UTC
"Would you rather the paint stained?"

He has not told her the whole story yet. He is amused by this.


riversinger September 26 2009, 03:49:12 UTC
"Stains? What are you on about?"

It takes a moment, but she sees the guns.

"Oh no, really?"


captainryan September 26 2009, 03:56:51 UTC
He leans an elbow on Bar to put his chin is his hand.

"You'd rather live rounds," he amends his previous statement.


riversinger September 26 2009, 04:01:54 UTC
She leans in, mirroring his pose with wicked grin.

"Oh no, I could never shoot at you with live rounds, love. I mean, what ever would I do if I hit you?"


captainryan September 26 2009, 04:06:06 UTC
"Be in very deep trouble," he answers immediately. "I'd have to shoot you back, at least."

He thinks for a moment.

"I'd probably play dead. To lure you in."


riversinger September 26 2009, 04:13:45 UTC
She grins, laughing, rolling her eyes at him.

"I'd probably fall for it. So long as you made sure your aim was true."


captainryan September 26 2009, 04:16:54 UTC

Suddenly this conversation isn't amusing as it was.

"It's not my aim we have to worry about," he says more seriously.


riversinger September 26 2009, 04:25:00 UTC
She cocks an eyebrow at him, her look growing sharper. She can scent the difference in meaning.

"So you'll teach me how to be a marksman then?"


captainryan September 26 2009, 04:42:08 UTC
"The best shots are the ones that do the most damage," he points out. "It ends the threat quickly and conserves ammo. It's not shooting that's important, it's shooting well".


riversinger September 26 2009, 04:50:01 UTC
She purses her lips at him.

"Which is why you don't shoot things you don't want to see destroyed."


captainryan September 26 2009, 05:01:12 UTC
He gives her a softer version of his 'don't be a moron' look, but only because she's River.

"No, then you just shoot them in the knee or other non-vital part."

It has the bonus of making them more willing to talk, too.


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