
Aug 21, 2009 20:43

Today is the big day. Team Sign-Up Day ( Read more... )

castiel, teja, felix gaeta, carlisle cullen, x-23, enzo matrix, arnold

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themidnightson August 22 2009, 14:59:52 UTC
Was it more troublesome to be stuck figuring out, how to approach an 'Angel of the Lord' soliciting baseball on highlighter bright poster board lacking only glitter to make it truly gauche or a being that had actually evoked true fear (even as it was followed by further giddiness) in Carlisle for the first time in what felt like eons?

He had not hurt Carlisle though. And. Well.

He did not, this Angel of the Lord, look very remarkable.

But ( like Yrael) there was the actual pain, and near confusion, of inability meeting a wall of inescapably not hearing him the same way as normal beings; and, in that, he was beyond rare.

Eventually, after watching many different people walk up and then back away, Edward did approach the table. Standing a few feet back from the table still, when he spoke, evenly, "I'd like to sign up."


thursdays_angel August 22 2009, 15:57:42 UTC
Edward is not the only one watching and listening with something other than eyes and ears.

The senses that can be so sharp outside the door are often blunted, sometimes to nothing, here in Milliways. And if he had not so recently met Carlisle Cullen, Castiel might not have picked up on the boy's 'otherness' or known how to classify it.

But it is the same as what he felt from the vampire.

Castiel nods.

"We are in need of players," he says.

It is an invitation. If you listen.


themidnightson August 23 2009, 10:34:39 UTC
Edward picked up one of the ball point pens, with only a lingering appraisal of he man's face and possibility of moving suddenly. Then he leaned down and wrote

Edward Cullen
on the sign-up sheet at the front and center of the little table.


thursdays_angel August 23 2009, 16:07:48 UTC
Castiel has no problems reading the name upside down.

"You are of Dr. Cullen's family."

The name can hardly be a coincidence. Vampire habitually align themselves into family groups. Some have been known to adopt the same name, a vestige of a human family.

The hints of reticence in the boy have not gone un-noted.

"There will be no violence. I assured him when Meg introduced us."

After some initial awkwardness.

Castiel has carefully not thought too hard about what his superiors would think of him taking it upon himself to make such an assurance.


themidnightson August 23 2009, 22:43:48 UTC
Edward stood back up once he was finished, impossible not to wonder at the lunacy of it. He'd told Carlisle he would play before this development, and even when they'd discussed this part. Whether his touch would blight this existence.

(Vampires are evil. Dangerous. It is their nature.)

He inclined his head, saying simply, "Dr. Cullen is my father."


thursdays_angel August 23 2009, 22:48:43 UTC
Castiel nods.

"I see. Dr. Cullen, he...."

Castiel trails off, looking for something safe and neutral.

"...seems to have a great deal of enthusiasm for the game."


themidnightson August 23 2009, 22:53:09 UTC
The skin at the edge of one side of Edward's mouth puckered, without the smile quite appearing. "He always has. Though more in playing it than the following it."


thursdays_angel August 23 2009, 23:09:03 UTC
"From what he tells me, he was born before baseball became a common past-time."

"I did not think to ask how he became involved."

He'd been a little distracted by the VAMPIRE portion of the conversation.


themidnightson August 23 2009, 23:17:57 UTC

Angels and Vampires.

Relating over baseball, of all things.

Edward put his hands half in his pockets, with a nod. "He'd be glad to tell you about in exquisite detail." If not as much detail as Edward got from people. "He's been very excited about the prospects of this venture."


thursdays_angel August 23 2009, 23:28:48 UTC
In a situation such as this, it is a good thing to have common ground of a sort.

"As am I."

Castiel is excited about the ball game--more so than the deadpan and dispassionate delivery might indicate.

"Should I have the opportunity, I shall ask him."


themidnightson August 23 2009, 23:35:06 UTC
It is a little misleading. His expression, along with the way he speaks. Even expecting it from Carlisle's memories. Not to mention the other unavailable bits of him.

"And yourself? How did you come to be--" harangued "--arranging a game of it for Milliways?"


thursdays_angel August 23 2009, 23:53:54 UTC
"Meg suggested it."

"I had seen games but never played. She suggested that I find people to play with."

Which had led to asking Meg to umpire. And designs for a field. And sign-ups for players. And a vampire co-captain. And notes for practice. And compiling a set of rules to take non-human players into account...


themidnightson August 24 2009, 12:16:01 UTC
It was so.....simplistically put.

"I don't believe I've met her."

The girl who had convinced first an angel and then vampire to play baseball, then stood up to a angel for a vampire, and the had gotten them to play together. He was, perhaps, curious of her, as well.


thursdays_angel August 25 2009, 03:04:57 UTC
"You shall. She is the umpire."

"And she knows your father. She introduced us."

And, at the end of the day, had made it go smoothly.


themidnightson August 25 2009, 09:00:03 UTC
Edward nodded, twice, short and simple, before reaching up and running his fingers into his hair. If he tried not to focus on sheer oddness of this all, even by Milliways standards, then --

"How will teams and rules be handled?"


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