Hot Child In The City

Jul 27, 2009 11:21

Fiona comes in through her door, the band of her black cap soaked with sweat, and literally radiating the Florida head.  She's lugging a wooden crate with rope handles that looks like it weighs fifty plus pounds, but she manages, even with a cellphone clamped to her ear with her shoulder.

"Yeah, going into a tunnel.  Gonna lose you."  She shifts ( Read more... )

fiona glenanne, michael westen

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still_burned July 27 2009, 20:22:16 UTC
Not far behind her (but from a different time, and location in the city) Michael enters the bar. He's in jeans and a light, white sweater - given the clothes and the muted thudthudthud from the door behind him, she can probably guess that he's moved in to his loft and it's evening there currently.

Luckily, he's not as annoyed to be here this time around though the first thing he does when the door shuts is to whirl round and check it's still there. It is, so he figures he might as well get a yoghurt here. Save him a trip to the store.

'I guess you've been working.'

There is a vaguely disapproving note to his voice.


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 20:29:11 UTC
She takes her smoothie from the bar and sips down the foam at the top with a loud slurp.

"Just a little favour for a friend. You know me. I like to do favours. For my friends."

She blinks at him, a predatory grin on her lips.


still_burned July 27 2009, 20:31:43 UTC
'Yeah. Your kind of favour usually isn't what the other person would see as one.'

As in, they suddenly find themselves in her debt whether they want to be or not.

'Who's the lucky guy?'


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 20:36:55 UTC
"Michael," she tuts. "You say that like I keep a little black book with tic marks by each little name."

The book is in her head. And his name? She gave up ticking off his name years ago.

"Just a friend. No one you'd know."

Or want to know.


still_burned July 27 2009, 20:40:08 UTC
'You're telling me you don't?'

He's surprised. Really.

He gets a blueberry yoghurt from Bar, along with an iced water. Doesn't matter how many of these things he has a day, the fold-back lid always gets licked with obvious pleasure.

'I don't know many people here,' he admits, after a moment. 'I saw Sam though. Where'd the guns come from? Or don't I want to know?'


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 20:44:09 UTC
"Don't worry. Nobody important will miss them."

Much. She watches the licking with no small amount of envy, swirling her smoothie with her straw.

"So I know Sam was in from a different time than me. You guys figure out how far apart you are?"


still_burned July 27 2009, 20:46:23 UTC
'Not far but can't tell for sure.'

Yum. Blueberry.

'He hasn't had Christmas yet and that's about three weeks away for me so we must be pretty close.'


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 20:52:42 UTC
"Mm hmm."

Mmm, banana.

"Run into 'Evelyn' yet?"


still_burned July 27 2009, 20:54:47 UTC

He looks confused.

'No. What do I need to know?'

If it's to do with a job, he figures she'll give him a heads up. If it's...anything else, well. Likely she wouldn't mention it at all.


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 21:02:37 UTC
Isn't that cheating? Of course it is.

"Just don't let your guard down. You have certain weaknesses that aren't exactly classified, and she's going to exploit two or three of them."

There's just the barest hint of sneer in that sentence, like she's giving up the intel under duress.


still_burned July 27 2009, 21:07:20 UTC
'Weaknesses,' he repeats, blankly.

Of course, everyone has them. But no one likes to think they do, especially spies. Weaknesses usually equal death at some point, for spies.

'I'll remember.'

He won't, when the time comes. He'll be too blinded by kid in trouble.

'So what're you up to? Aside from the guns.'


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 21:19:27 UTC
Her chin rises a touch, and she singsongs a contented, well-sated little hum at him. "Boyfriend's back and he's been all kinds of attentive. It's so nice to have a man who pays attention."


still_burned July 27 2009, 21:21:17 UTC
His eyebrows raise without him meaning them to.

'That's good,' he says, in a very neutral tone of voice.


'You have a boyfriend?'

In his head, she is perpetually single.


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 21:25:08 UTC
"Does that surprise you, Michael? That someone might want to bring me coffee in bed after a night of mind blowing sex?"


still_burned July 27 2009, 21:27:10 UTC

Neutral neutral neutral.

'Of course not.

...maybe he should offer some carbs, if you need an energy boost.'

Also, ew. He doesn't want to think about Fi having mind blowing sex. With anyone else.


justcallmefee July 27 2009, 21:30:48 UTC
She waggles her eyebrows at him over the top of her smoothie. "He buys me breakfast too. And Prada. And Cristal. And he wears Armani. Mm, I love Armani."


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