
Jul 20, 2009 19:22

[Because the mun is cruel and cracktastic]When the door opens this morning, it's on a pair of piercing emerald eyes and a mop of just-this-side-of-needing-a-trim copper hair, peering around what was supposed to be the kitchen door, at barely half the height of it. This did not look like the kitchen and those people were not the cook ( Read more... )

edward cullen, carlisle cullen

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betagainstme July 21 2009, 13:33:55 UTC
She knows him instantly. How can she not? He is her, a part of her, in her, with her always. Even like this. If her heart weren't already dead, it would stop. It feels like it's trying to climb out her throat as is.

Jasper as a human was just strange. He was drunk. He smelled like alcohol and war.

Edward was so small. A child. She couldn't ever remember being that small.

Alice forces a smile to her face and she steps towards the boy (her brother) and stoops down in front of him. "Why hello there."


themidnightson July 21 2009, 13:39:05 UTC
Brilliant green eyes blink rapidly at the woman who came down. She didn't look like anyone he remembered, but his Mother's parties were ever so huge and there so many Ladies and she was--



betagainstme July 21 2009, 13:41:20 UTC
Alice's smile is helpless and she wants to cry. "Thank you. You're quite handsome yourself. I'm Alice."


themidnightson July 21 2009, 13:46:10 UTC
"I'm Edward."

There was a little giggle in his name. How could anyone not know him in his home? There were no other little boys here.

He stuck his hand out, wiggling his fingers, but not too far, as she had crouched down and was very close to him. His face scrunched up with decided effort, as he said, "I am pleased to meet you, Miss Alice."

A canned line, but he was very proud of having managed it!

His Mother and Father would be so proud.


betagainstme July 21 2009, 13:57:40 UTC
"Pleasure is all mine, Sir Edward." Alice takes his hand and shakes it delicately.

There's a faint whisper of a future for him. Just the immediate one for now, and she's not fond of the idea for searching for anything further. Not for him. Not now.

"Don't you have a piano lesson soon, young man?"


themidnightson July 21 2009, 14:01:46 UTC
"Cold," he mumbled, before nodding very quickly. "I have until the six!"


betagainstme July 21 2009, 14:03:34 UTC
Alice curls her fingers in after letting go of his hand and nodding. "So you do. You have time yet. Would you like to sit? There is a fireplace and some armchairs in the corner. You can tell me how your lessons are going."


themidnightson July 21 2009, 14:04:39 UTC
"Okay." And Edward holds out his hand again.

Apparently cold isn't a bad thing?


betagainstme July 21 2009, 14:08:28 UTC
She takes his hand immediately as she stands. Her fingers curl against his warm hand and her heart does that climbing into her throat thing again.

Alice leads him over to the armchairs and sits down in one before drawing him into her lap, settling him against her.


themidnightson July 21 2009, 14:13:12 UTC
She's very pretty and she's graceful. Like his Mother. His mother is very very pretty, and soft, and she always smells nice, and has the nicest friends. Which Miss Alice must be.

He sits into her lap, with a grin, looking around, as though she has become his crows nest to explore the new area from. "Is there going to be a party tonight?"


betagainstme July 21 2009, 14:14:32 UTC
"Quite possibly." Alice says, in a low whisper, as if sharing a secret. "And maybe not. Maybe it's a surprise."


themidnightson July 21 2009, 14:24:25 UTC
Edward giggled and and ducked his head against her collarbone through her shirt[. "I like surprises."


betagainstme July 21 2009, 14:28:51 UTC
Alice has never really cared for children. They're quite annoying. Edward is different though.

Edward is always different. Alice carefully sets her nose against his hair and breathes in his boyish smell. Soap and hope and...she pulls back quickly, eyes shutting for a moment.

"Me too." She says softly, once she feels able to speak. "Surprises are some of the best things in life."

Not that she gets them. :|


themidnightson July 21 2009, 14:42:40 UTC
All pretty Ladies are given nice things. That's just how it is. His Father does. And Edward got to help pick flowers for her once, too.

He twisted to look up at Miss Alice, and her very golden eyes, completely innocent in his awe and lack of seeing anything untoward in it.

"I got a toy plane for my Father yesterday. It was a surprise." He made his hand like a plane, using his tiny thumb and pinky finger, making a bbbrrrrmmmmm sound.


betagainstme July 21 2009, 14:44:16 UTC
"I bet he enjoyed that." Alice beams at him. "I do so love planes. Have you ever been on one?"


themidnightson July 21 2009, 14:45:27 UTC
Edward shook his head, little wisps of just-barely-trim-needing hair shaking. "I want to!"


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