(no subject)

Jun 24, 2009 08:34

Momiji is staring forlornly at his door, the French toast on the table in front of him completely forgotten. The door, you see, has committed the grave sin of actually being there, this morning.

He's not sure he wants to go out of it.

Oh, he knows he will. His backpack is already packed at his feet, slightly bulging from the clothes and books inside. He's heading back home today, maybe within the hour. Still, he doesn't have to be happy about it, let alone scamper off in a hurry. He doesn't have to pretend that he's eager to face the frozen, wintery tension that he'd been glad to escape, when he was Bound.

So, he's just going to sit there for a while, watching the front portal, eying his cooling breakfast, and keeping his thumb stuck firmly in his mouth.

(Just to nibble anxiously at the nail there, of course - bad habits aside, he's not that childish.)

(OOC: Open until 'Miji gets another EP; this will be his last before he leaves to start going through the end of his canon, so if you want him (somewhat) free of plotty angst, get'em now.)

momiji sohma, mia ausa

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