Out of Milliways:
Return to GNR. In which Three Dog is as good as his word.
Dr. Li. In which Ellen returns to Rivet City and is told some very unpleasant things.
The Personal Holotaped Journals of Dr. James Park, which speak, more or less, for themselves. Spoilers galore for Fallout 3.
The door opens on a dusty, dry day that smells of old metal and old Brahmin, and then closes again. Ellen trudges through in her reinforced blue-and-gold Vault suit, but stops in her tracks. "This was supposed to be Moriarty's," she says to no one in particular, "but okay."
A bar's a bar, after all. She can order a Nuka-Cola and slink off to one of the lower-slung chairs to eye her father's holotape as if it were a dog in need of a muzzle just as easily here as she can in Megaton.
[Open until it scrolls off the page, and open to slowtimes as necesary. Tinytag: Ellen (Vault 101 Dweller), Alyx Vance]