(no subject)

May 31, 2009 12:46

Fun fact: Momiji's family curse is not all bunnies and puppies and kittens, all the time.

Nor, being a curse of as fine a pedigree as it is, does it feel the need to make its more subtle effects predictable. As long as the right people turn into the right sort of furball at the right time, it can afford itself a little room for creativity, elsewhere.

Which is all to say that, after being content with his Bound state for the past few months, Momiji has come downstairs today looking agitated. He's pacing in halting spurts, tracing a roundabout path between a couch near the fireplace, the Bar proper, and back again, with none of his usual skipping or bouncing.

Not that he looks glum or even really homesick. If anything, the air he gives off, almost marching from place to place, makes him seem a bit like an animal who's just found the bars of his cage...and can't quite figure out why they upset him.

Long story short, though? The rabbit-boy really needs some sort of distraction.

He'll work a rut into the Bar's nice floors, otherwise.

((OOC: Possible, periodic slowness for schoolwork, but I'll be around all day. :D)

momiji sohma

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