Cubefall, day 2

May 28, 2009 12:51

There is a dragon outside!

It's a small dragon, which is to say, it's about the height of a tall human... at the shoulder. It is just flying in from the mountains, gliding (mostly) majestically over the trees.

Come admire his reptilian grace! Ask for a ride, if you're not too heavy!

Or bring him some food. That would be very welcome, too.

rad, coreen fennel, annabelle newfield, enzo matrix, arnold

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aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 18:42:44 UTC
Annabelle is trying to get the hang of her new zappy powers at the moment.

There is a flash of light and a *crack* of thunder as a small tree explodes in a hail of splinters. This would be a lot more impressive if Annabelle hadn't been aiming for the large rock about 3 feet to the left. The miss has Annabelle scowling and swearing fit to, metaphorically at least, strip paint.


a1enzo May 28 2009, 19:12:37 UTC
Whoa, special effects! Enzo homes in on the light show.

"Annabelle?" he calls.


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 19:15:37 UTC
"Hello Enzo!" Annabelle calls back. "Have you figured out landing yet?"


a1enzo May 28 2009, 19:29:34 UTC
"Sort of!"

He goes into a dive, pulls up at the last moment, hangs motionless for a second, and then drop with a thump.

"It's not super-smooth, but it works."


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 19:35:19 UTC
"Not bad," Annabelle says with a grin. "I'm still trying to get a handle on my own abilities," she adds ruefully.


a1enzo May 28 2009, 20:04:01 UTC
"You went with the Nova?"


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 20:08:47 UTC
"I did. I hadn't realized how much trouble I'd have learning to use my new abilities, though. I'm still learning how to create electricity only when I want to, among other things." Like how to aim the resulting lightning bolts.


a1enzo May 28 2009, 20:13:35 UTC
"Ouch, yeah, I process that. Could be worse, at least you know you have to."


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 20:20:43 UTC
"Have to what? Learn to control them?"

"I am very glad that my first accidental discharge only took out a pack of demon bunnies. They were trying to sneak up on me and attack. I didn't even think about doing anything, it just happened."


a1enzo May 28 2009, 20:33:56 UTC
"Right. You could be like my niece. There's scorch marks all over the house."

Enzo is impressed. "Good reflexes, at least!"


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 20:42:20 UTC
Annabelle grimaces, "It would be a bit difficult to explain anything to her at that age, wouldn't it?"

"I do have good reflexes, I'm just afraid someone will startle me and end up electrocuted."


a1enzo May 28 2009, 20:47:05 UTC
"Yeah, that's why Dad made her the target-mobile, so she'll want to zap it and not other stuff.

"Oh. Yeah, I see what you mean." Not to self, do not startle Nova!Annabelle. Actually, do not startle Annabelle, period. "Can you do anything besides lightning?"


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 20:56:50 UTC
"It's good that they know how to handle her abilities," Annabelle says with a smile. That was one of the reasons Æon feared second generation Novas, they were literally born with the ability to manipulate Quantum forces.

Not startling Annabelle is always a good idea. Even when she's only at her usual Daredevil power level her reflexes are freakishly fast... "My vision has been switching to different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum," she replies. "I think I've been seeing in the Ultra-Violet range and a couple of others that I can't identify. I haven't tested to see if my strength or speed has changed."


a1enzo May 28 2009, 20:59:12 UTC
"Wow, so, like, heat vision and stuff?" Not the Superman version, of course. That would be silly.


aeons_crackshot May 28 2009, 21:05:19 UTC
I would be surprised if someone didn't tweak the description of their Aberrant character's abilities to give them Superman-style heat vision.

"I think so, though confirming what spectrum I'm seeing in is rather difficult."


a1enzo May 28 2009, 22:29:47 UTC
"Does it look like... different colours or something?"


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