
May 27, 2009 21:14

Nikola's first question on being offered a reconfiguration is, "Will I keep my...unique talents?"

And when he's assured that he will, he opts to accept one of the changes.

As he told Yrael, he likes variety.

A much amused world-famous inventor sits at the bar and sips her bourbon.

tiny-feminine!tag: Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary)

nikola tesla, nikola tesla (sanctuary)

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niko_tesla May 28 2009, 15:40:05 UTC
"It amuses me," says the lady a table over, "how alike we think, despite the differences in our history."


ps_you_look_hot May 28 2009, 17:35:18 UTC
Nikola looks the woman up and down and smirks. "I doubt that very much," she says. "I have an idea our motivations were quite different."


niko_tesla May 28 2009, 17:57:08 UTC
"Entirely possible," Nikky -- or is that Nikki? -- replies. "I expect you to be more interested in the physical possibilities such a form would imbue you with."


ps_you_look_hot May 28 2009, 18:04:24 UTC
"While your curiosity is purely...scientific in nature, no doubt."


niko_tesla May 28 2009, 22:13:35 UTC
"No doubt."

It should be noted that her table now sports a lego version of Wardenclyffe cradling a mini Erector-set death ray. As she, ahem, toys with it, the death ray gives off sparks.

"Vampirism has not entirely agreed with you, mein dopplegänger." It's not a judgment, just an observation.


ps_you_look_hot May 28 2009, 22:32:41 UTC
"You don't think so?" Nikola says, eyeing the construction with mild amusement.

"I think it agrees with me very well."


niko_tesla May 29 2009, 00:54:48 UTC
"Nor would I expect you to think anything else. Nevertheless, there is something of a hedonism that I find distressing in one who shares my name and upbringing."


ps_you_look_hot May 29 2009, 01:02:31 UTC
"Am I meant to spend my very long life abstemious as a monk?"


niko_tesla May 29 2009, 01:19:15 UTC
She shakes her head. "Of course not. I am hardly a virgin myself, though it did take my apparent death, rejuvenation, and a remarkable woman to effect such a state. However, there is a difference between indulging and overindulging."


ps_you_look_hot May 29 2009, 01:22:34 UTC
She shrugs. "I have both the time and the money to pursue pleasure as well as science. One does not distract me from the other, nor should it. I fail to see where this is in any way overindulgent."


niko_tesla May 29 2009, 01:27:20 UTC
"The pursuit of pleasure for its own sake strikes me as inherently overindulgent," Nikki says with an answering shrug. "I still derive sufficient pleasure from my work that I need little else to remain content."


ps_you_look_hot May 29 2009, 01:30:26 UTC
Nikola smirks somewhat maliciously. "Then perhaps this woman is not as remarkable as you believe."


niko_tesla May 29 2009, 02:04:42 UTC
Nikki laughs.

"You would not imply such if you knew Lady Sally Callahan. What makes her remarkable is not confined to her sexual prowess, though that is quite spectacular on its own. She is my patroness; she and her husband are the reason I forsook my own time, faked my death, and spent considerable years discrediting my own reputation to protect my discoveries from falling into the wrong hands."


ps_you_look_hot May 29 2009, 02:15:09 UTC
"A married woman," Nikola says, smirking. "I'm impressed."


niko_tesla May 29 2009, 02:20:06 UTC
"There was no infidelity, if that is what impresses you. Her husband had full knowledge and gave full consent. At the time, she had established herself as the madam of the most reputable house of prostitution in New York."

The last was an understatement. How many whorehouses put all of the employees on straight salary plus benefits and vacation?


ps_you_look_hot May 29 2009, 02:26:33 UTC
"It isn't the infidelity," Nikola says mildly. "It's the open-mindedness required for such a relationship."

The smirk returns. "And she's a prostitute. Even better."


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