
May 27, 2009 22:26

Tanya came downstairs, and was greeted by the screen.

Interesting options, interesting concept, so... why not? She makes a selection and has to ask bar for clothes that will fit his three-day body, heading back upstairs to change.

The man who comes downstairs has crewcut hair, and is wearing a black tshirt, cammo BDU pants and combat boots, and still carrying around his hips a tactical belt with two pistols, a combat knife and other military gadgets.

He is also carrying an older model Colt 1911 pistol: it is dropped down the furnace hatch, as a sign of an end. And a new beginning.

That taken care off, Lt. Adams, Special Forces, makes his way to the bar to celebrate with a beer. company would be much welcome.

[ Tanya Adams, Cubefall ]
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