
May 27, 2009 15:16

[ oom:  River & Richard make a trip to the Library, discussing her archive protocols, and then have a nice walk on the beach. ]

River was only passing through the bar on her way to the Library, but she's been distracted by all the decorations for this strange holiday. From the walls to the floor to the fantastic toys strewn about the tables, so many things to see. She wanders around, her expression one of wide-eyed wonder, saying hello to old friends and new, until she finds her usual seat by the -- well it used to be the fireplace, but it's now a furnace. She pulls over a basket of the brightly coloured plastic toys and starts snapping them together, seeing what shape they want to take when a little vid screen appears beside her.

"What's this?"

She reads it again. And then she presses 'Continue'.

Dr. Song stares at the vid screen for a very long time, one hand over her mouth as she reads.

She starts with the details about the Cybertronian holiday itself.  She moves on to the specifics of the reconfiguration offer. It's only for three days, unless she agrees to make it permanent. And then she reads about the transformations themselves. Her eyes skip right over the other two forms straight to the imposing red digitigrade werewolf.

The werewolf transformation seems to based on the same species as Captain Ryan's. The image could have been generated by her own research, save for the long flowing tail. It's amazing. There's only one possible choice here and it seems to have come -- as if by magic.  A rich laugh bubbles up in her chest.  Truly, an auspicious day.

She thinks she should wait for Richard, but not because she's hesitating, no.  She's already made her choice, weeks ago. She just doesn't want him to miss this. Also, she has no idea what selecting that option will bring.

Luckily the dilemma is resolved when he appears at the bottom of the stairs, Damocles at his heels.

[ tiny soon-to-be-wolfy tag: Dr.River Song ]

river song, oom, captain ryan

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