
May 23, 2009 21:25

In the bar this evening, Veronica sits, her hands curled around a tall mug of coffee. She's been trying her best to cut back: coffee's a stimulant, a drug, a sign of weakness. But it's been a long day tacked onto a growing chain of long days, and lord, she needs it.

veronica mars, indiana jones

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henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 02:27:16 UTC
The stool next to her is claimed before too long, by one Indiana Jones.

He gives Veronica a "howdy" and a half smile once his order has been placed.

His mood is, as ever, notoriously difficult to read, and his choice of a mid-range bourbon gives nothing away.

"Long night ahead?" he follows up.


watching_you May 24 2009, 02:35:01 UTC
She looks up. Out of all the people in all the universes she could have run into tonight, he was low on the list of expected. Unexpected, however, doesn't mean unwelcome, and the smile she gives him is weak but hopeful, and maybe even a little sad.


She drops her eyes back to her drink.

"Long night ahead, long night behind. Really it's just long nights in every possible direction."


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 02:48:28 UTC
"That bad, huh?"

Indy's brow creases slightly, as he takes in her jaded demeanor.

"Sounds like you could use a hug."

It's an offer, but his arms stay resting on the counter for now. He knows how particular Veronica is about physical contact. And given how their last meeting ended, he's not about to initiate any without her permission.


watching_you May 24 2009, 02:57:17 UTC
Momentarily startled, she studies his face. "I... really could, I think. But --"

She bites her lip.

"I have something I should probably tell you. And you might want to take back your offer once you hear it."


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 03:03:15 UTC
Indy raises an eyebrow.

"Okay," he replies, after a moment of hesitation.

"I'm prepared to hug first, since you need it. Then you can 'fess up and we'll see whether it affects anything."


watching_you May 24 2009, 03:07:47 UTC
She shakes her head.

"The night we had that argument, I did some digging on your... snuggle buddy."


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 03:10:46 UTC
Indy wrinkles his nose.

"I kinda figured you would," he says, fairly nonchalantly. "Looking out for my best interests. I understand."

There's a pause, and then he cocks his head.

"Is that it?"


watching_you May 24 2009, 03:13:35 UTC
"Yes, well..."

She'd been anticipating any number of responses. This lack of one is throwing her off.

"It was a big invasion of privacy and I felt badly about it."


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 03:20:29 UTC
"Not my privacy really," Indy points out. "Fiona's. So it's her you should be apologizing to really."

He shrugs. He knows she meant well. It's no big deal to him.

"Find anything juicy?"


watching_you May 24 2009, 03:24:46 UTC
"I will," she replies, and does her best to mean it.

A pause, and she looks thoughtful.

"Do you really want to know?"


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 03:30:02 UTC
"Sure," Indy decides. "No point wasting all your hard snooping work."

Another shrug and a sip of drink.

"It can't be too bad. If it was anything you were really concerned about, you'd have told me before now."


watching_you May 24 2009, 03:50:38 UTC
"Actually I was kind of hoping you'd both gotten bored of each other and moved on."

She rattles off the list: "Involved with a number of terrorist organizations over the years, working internationally: Ireland, Spain, North Africa. There are quite a few high-profile assassinations attributed to her... skills. Over the past couple of decades there don't seem to have been any wars or conflicts that she hasn't had her hands in one way or another. Bombings, weapons trafficking, you name it. This woman collects aliases the way others collect shoes, a new set for every day of the month. And somehow she's managed to escape being prosecuted for any of it."


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 03:58:40 UTC
"Mmm. Right."

Indy doesn't seem fazed in the slightest.

"We still see each other. Nothing serious. And, for what it's worth, she told me most of the pertinent stuff after you stormed out. She seems like she's always working for a fairly good cause, so I've got no problem with any of it."


watching_you May 24 2009, 04:05:38 UTC
"For the sake of mending bridges I should probably shut up, but -- this is a woman who doesn't exactly solve her problems by sitting down and talking them out."

There's worry in the look she gives him. "Just... be careful."


henry_jones_jr May 24 2009, 04:12:16 UTC
Indy shows a wry smile.

"You know me. I'm always careful," he assures her.

"Appreciate the concern though."

He opens his arms. The hug offer still stands, apparently.


watching_you May 24 2009, 04:18:06 UTC
Hugs. Hugs are nice. She accepts the offer wholeheartedly, resting her head against his shoulder as she sighs.

"Let's not argue any more. I don't like it."


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