May 12, 2009 19:06
It's been six days in Milliways time, but a lot more has happened for our resident Librarian since we saw him last.
In that time, he's managed to: restore the (complete) Spear of Destiny to the Library's newly secured archives, travel to Utah in order to secure a mystical crystal skull, and move out of his mother's apartment and into his own place. All in all, we'd call it a successful six months.
When the door to Bar pops up again in place of the door to his apartment, Flynn wanders in, dirtied and exhausted from his recent trip to Peru but carrying a new kind of confidence in his step. His messenger bag is plopped down on the barstool next to him as he slides into a seat, tapping the bar's surface with his index finger.
"How about some of your fine bourbon?" he asks, and upon receiving it, takes a sip - nearly spitting it back out into his glass.
(Okay, so maybe he hasn't changed much.)
flynn carsen,
wanda maximoff