First entrance

Apr 23, 2009 15:31

There's a way a spaceman has of walking that sets him apart from groundhogs and tourists.

It's further forward, on the balls of the feet; it's with knees a little more bent; it's with feet never picked up too high from the floor. It's with trust in mag-boots and with much greater awareness of gravity than a person might have who had only ever experienced a single, unchanging acceleration.

And in the case of one red-haired, jumpsuit-clad spaceman in particular as he steps through the door to the bar, it's with the sudden and puzzling realization that the mag-boots aren't working properly--no magnetic floor--and that it doesn't matter, because gravity has just tripled.

Lucky for him, he was born on Earth. But that doesn't do anything about the confusion as to how this strange bar has appeared where he had been expecting to find his own.

Just smile. Politeness gets you further than panicking.

[tinytags: lazarus long]
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