
Apr 23, 2009 14:58

Tumnus had simply entered the Bar to do some reading when he was being stared down by a rabbit shaped thing.

The smell reminded him rather more than he liked of the Witch and he simply froze in fear.

(OOC: Help with the rabbit or just remind Tumnus he's blocking the door.)

teja, edward tivrusky, tumnus, ein

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ostro_goth April 23 2009, 20:53:29 UTC
Teja sees the faun in his distress, and comes over to see if he can help.

"Greetings, Tumnus," he says, drawing his sahs. "Do you need help?"


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 20:55:46 UTC
Tumnus darts a glance at Teja and nods as the bunny breathes some fire, the Faun is fun.


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 21:03:09 UTC
Teja slowly, quietly approaches the demonic rabbit from behind, looking at the faun's face.


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 21:04:34 UTC
At the moment Tumnus is as still as when he was a statue, that thing is too much like one of the Witch's but all of its attention is on him and so it is not aware of Teja.


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 21:07:31 UTC
Teja brandishes his sahs, then pounces, skewering the demonic rabbit from above. It breathes a little bit of fire again, followed by a little puff of smoke, then a cough and a twitch, and then it is dead.

"I apologise," Teja says.


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 21:08:58 UTC
"T.thank you, w.what was that and how did it get in here?"


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 21:21:22 UTC
"It was a demonic rabbit," Teja says. "They live outside, and are very unpleasant creatures. The cats brought it in as a gift to me, but it seems to have fooled then into thinking it was dead -- so it would not be truly killed."

Teja pick up the carcass and pulls out his sahs.

"But now, it is!"


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 21:22:54 UTC
"T.that was kind of them but what a horrible beast."


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 21:26:31 UTC
"They meant to cheer me up," Teja says. "And yes, they are unpleasant. The cats are not afraid of them, though. But then, cats can be truly fierce."


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 21:29:32 UTC
"I'm sorry that you needed cheering up and yes cats have always been hunters."


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 21:47:33 UTC
"Cats are cats," Teja says. "Free creatures -- I like them very much, and those, especially. But I would not call them mine."


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 22:37:41 UTC
"They are wonderful. What are the names of your cats?"


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 22:59:46 UTC
"Do you know what you are doing?" Teja says, amused. "You make a man talk about the cats he takes care of! Any human who is with cats can speak of them for hours, with great affection!"


"There is a tabby female by name of Kitty; she is somewhat reticent, and a very good hunter; a white and grey male named Ferdinand, a very affectionate creature friendly to all; and a cheeky, saucy young cat, grey striped, male -- by name of Count. Him, I raised from but a week-old kitten. I think he may be the second best thing that happened to me, in my afterlife."


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 23:01:25 UTC
Tumnus gives a rather shy smile,

"I'm glad to hear you speak of them since you love them so. You must think me quite rude. I'm Tumnus, would you join me for some tea? I fear I think it to settle my nerves, each time I enter there seems to be a new adventure."


ostro_goth April 23 2009, 23:04:47 UTC
"I am Teja," Teja says. For some reason, for once, his status and history feels unimportant.

"I do like tea very much, and would gladly have some. Let me but get rid of the carcass."

He walks to the back door, opens it, throws the dead demonic rabbit high into the air and far away, and then closes the door, and comes back to Tumnus.


friend_of_lucy April 23 2009, 23:05:55 UTC
As Teja gets rid of the rabbit, Tumnus finds a seat and makes sure that the book he is carrying is still in one piece as he orders them some tea,

"Thank you again, I do fear that I will never be a warrior."


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