Sbemailiarized EP!

Apr 18, 2009 09:53

o/` Hello, email, my old friend
Strong Bad's checkin' you again... o/`

Dear Strong Bad,
Why come you and The Cheat never go in Milliways anymore? Are you too famous, or just too busy?
Mournfully munful,
Chambersburg, PA

Make up your mournful mind, mister! Are you in Austin, Tejas, or this Chambersburg place?

But anyways, nobody's too busy or too famous for that place. We just haven't had a good enough reason lately.

Guess who's inna bar that hasn't been in a while? And one of them's even singing.

"o/` Sweet, sweet The Cheat
Today is the date on your fake ID
Let's get to Milliways
And have us a party! o/`"

How's that for an entry post? And who knows? Maybe Diggy and that not-his-girlfriend of his will show up, or the old guy Jedi, or Samurai Hacker. Remember, a better Milliways depends on YOU!

Sbemailiarized Entertainment™ © ® LLC,,. LJ.

[One mun, at least two pups. Requests for the other four cheerfully taken.

Tags that have to be's tiny: Annabelle Newfield, Jennifer Landers]

annabelle newfield, jennifer landers, homestar runner, the cheat, strong bad, divis mal

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