Jason laughs. "I was doing a lot harder stuff than alcohol before I was eighteen."
He waves Ivanhoe over and puts in their drink order. He debates getting some more poppy wine (that shit was good), but decides on a beer for himself. "What do you want?" If Ivan gives him any crap, Jason'll just threaten to eat him.
"Oh yeah," he says casually. "Because I'd have really come back for a second go of this."
The look he's giving Jason can best be described as 'are you out of what little mind you've got?'; he's good at the look. He's had practice. Forgive him if it comes off slightly pouty. He hasn't been a teenager in a while.
Jason throws a hand up. "Hey, it's not uncommon for there to be pranks before and after, just for patrons who try to avoid it. Remember I wasn't here when you came in."
He shakes his head. "Hell no. She's a fucking maneater. I've always wanted to die having sex, but she could not only make that happen; she'd make it horrible."
He cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah? What does it mean in your world?"
"Got you, did she?"
"And yes."
He shrugs. "I'd buy you a drink, but...age restrictions."
"I won't tell anyone you're buying me alcohol, if you just buy it for me."
He waves Ivanhoe over and puts in their drink order. He debates getting some more poppy wine (that shit was good), but decides on a beer for himself. "What do you want?" If Ivan gives him any crap, Jason'll just threaten to eat him.
He's not in a wine mood tonight.
"Yeah, but you were probably a lot smarter than I was. So is this your first April Fools Day in the Bar?"
The look he's giving Jason can best be described as 'are you out of what little mind you've got?'; he's good at the look. He's had practice. Forgive him if it comes off slightly pouty. He hasn't been a teenager in a while.
He has full confidence in this prediction; that doesn't mean that they won't end up one or both of those still. Perhaps not together, but.
Well that's not 100% true: he'd jump in if it were the two of them sharing a woman. But he's thinking more one on one.
"It's the rolling that would do it."
Beat. "You should know rolling has a completely different connotation in my world."
He cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah? What does it mean in your world?"
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