(no subject)

Mar 25, 2009 10:56

Milliways is a perfect opportunity to regain things people have lost, whether because they don't exist on their world anymore, or because it's something someone of their age or station simply should not do. In Chell's case, the bright yellow box obscuring her face is a consequence of the former: Crayola simply doesn't exist in her world any more, and she misses it. So this morning, she got up bright and early as always to grab the biggest box of crayons she could possibly get from the bar, which is now a whopping 120 crayons.

(If she wouldn't have specified the brand, she could've gotten Milliways-brand, who raises the count to 256.)

Anyone coming down to the bar will see sheets upon sheets of picture-perfect sketches: of her Companion Cube, of her gun, of the landscapes of Pennsylvania and the Catskills. She's working on one of the Observation Window right now.


[Tiny Tag: Chell Johnson (portal)]

alyx vance, ravin lichvell

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