Cover Your Eyes

Mar 17, 2009 08:28

Olga slips in the lakeside door, shaking the wet snow off her coat and heading for the fireplace.   There's a hint of a smile on her lips as she settles into one of the overstuffed chairs, peeling off her gloves and scarf.  A passing wait rat brings her her usual Turkish coffee, waiting to accept its tip in silver coins.

Her meeting with Eduard has ( Read more... )

olga, teja, ben (loserz), eisenheim, nathan petrelli, gibbs

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pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 16:23:37 UTC
It's wise to seek one's fortune (unless the fortune you mean is of a monetary nature). Indeed, it's bad luck. And yet, Gibbs has spent a small amount of coin talking with soothsayers now and again.

"I don't suppose that you can tell me what the weather will be next week, could you, lass?"

[ooc: alas, nothing of note in Gibbs' future. Have fun!]


olyabird March 17 2009, 16:30:23 UTC
"Certes, for you I could. Please, have a seat." Her accent places her as a Muscovite, an' sure Gibbs has met a few of those in his day.

"Are you paying in silver or gold?"


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 16:34:08 UTC
"Gold today." He digs in his pocket for a couple of gold coins of unknown provenance, with a language that he might call Dwarfish. "Will this cover it, lass?"


olyabird March 17 2009, 16:36:45 UTC
She looks at the coins and bites each one on the edge.

"Indeed." She leans forward in her chair and gives him a piercing look, a flash of gold colouring her dark brown eyes, gone as quickly as it had come. "Do you have your compass with you?"


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 16:41:29 UTC
"What sort of seaman would I be if I didn't?" He pats down all of his pockets, looked a bit worried, and then remembers that he stuck it in his boot today. It's a small and rather unimpressive thing, just barely the sort that can find north and that surely can't find what cannot be found. "Here, lass."

He sits.


olyabird March 17 2009, 16:51:46 UTC
She takes his compass and lays it in the flat of her palm.

The needle spins wildly for a few moments until she shakes a finger at it, and then it settles down. True north for Gibbs' world, no doubt, at the point where he stepped through his Door.

She places the tip of her index finger on the glass and her eyes unfocus. "South by southwest, warm winds will bring fair weather, and an English Man O' War with a warrant. Perhaps you'd best make for Tortuga, or some place a little more remote?"


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 16:56:34 UTC
He raises both eyebrows. OK, he's relatively easy to impress, but he doesn't know that. "The Empress and her crew are not quick to turn tail, even from Man O'Wars...but seein' as how Commodore Lyon and the captain did find middle ground, it might be best to recommend to her that we follow your suggestions, lass."


olyabird March 17 2009, 17:05:15 UTC
She smiles, dips her chin. "I hope it spares you heartache, good sir. And if it please you, recommend my services to your friends."


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 17:07:57 UTC
"And what would be your name, lass, so that I can do so?" Assuming that her prediction is true.


olyabird March 17 2009, 17:14:06 UTC
"I am Olga. And also, you have a man, Smitty? Is that his name? His sister married an officer, a true Navy man. So watch your charts around him."

She has no doubt he will be satisfied with her predictions.


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 17:18:24 UTC
Gibbs is surprised, since this isn't quite the case. Yet. "I can't really say that I know the men in the crew that well, seein' as how they speak Chinese. But Captain Turner may wish to hear this information." Or he might hold his tongue, since he doubts she would approve of his use of a soothsayer.

"And I am Gibbs. Haven't meet any Muscovites in some time. Not many make their way to the Caribbean." And certainly not many women.


olyabird March 17 2009, 17:20:54 UTC
"A pleasure to meet you. And there have been a few of my kin, mostly in New Orleans, where there are cards and liquor a plenty."


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 17:22:42 UTC
"I've never made it that far north. I doubt that the French authorities would make me feel welcome." Or that he'd want to spend any time in a place so utterly French.


olyabird March 17 2009, 17:31:46 UTC
"I understand it's a beautiful city," she smirks.

"But no matter. Did you have any other questions you wanted answered?"


pirate_gibbs March 17 2009, 17:44:06 UTC
"None particularly. I would rather see my future when it comes. And I've seen too much of the future for all to want to see more." The coming of the engine and the machine and the independent woman still unnerves him.


olyabird March 17 2009, 17:52:01 UTC
"As you wish, then. Thank you for the business, Gibbs. I hope you can enjoy the weather this week."


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