Double EP!

Feb 25, 2009 15:17

There are certain principles involved with Mardi Gras-type events, and Camille Montes is well aware of them. She also has no fundamental problem with them (not to mention a sneaking suspicion that her father’s family would disown her for being so unBolivian if she did have problems with partying). No, what she has problem with is that whoever it is ( Read more... )

mardi gras

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mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 05:40:53 UTC
(Let me see . . . which one of them would cope better?)


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 06:06:21 UTC
[OoC: To be honest, both would cope fine. They are both tough, brave women - Camille a spy, Esfir a military pilot. However, because of that, they aren't the kind to sit and take threats lightly. So, while I don't mind who you tag, please keep in mind that it may be a short thread, depending on how it plays out? Also, I'm about to call it a night, and may not get to tag back until tomorrow].


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 06:21:25 UTC
"This place is hopelessly fond of Mardi Gras, isn't it?"

Says the rather creepy fellow sitting nearby.


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 22:44:30 UTC
Camille glances up at that.

"I've seen worse."


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 22:46:41 UTC
"In New Orleans, perhaps. It's the forcing-random-people-to-wear-equally-random-costumes that I like, though."

"It's funny when they fall over 'cause they're suddenly wearing heels."


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 22:48:13 UTC
"Clearly, you've never been to Brazil."


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 22:51:57 UTC
"Not since before the Aztec Empire." Croup laughs. "No Mardi Gras then."

"I liked the sacrifices, Mr. Croup,," mutters Vandemar.

"So did I, Mr. Vandemar, so did I. That's beside the point, however, and anyway that's not Brazil. It's Mexico."


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 22:55:21 UTC
Camille's eyes narrow slightly.

"Which isn't in South America," she points out.


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 23:01:37 UTC
"No, but it's close. And the Aztec Empire was rather large, you know."

"All those beautiful corpses . . . Ought to get some of those obsidian knives some time, Mr. Croup."

"Oh, I know. Excellent things, weren't they? It's been too long since I held a still-beating heart in my hand."


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 23:22:26 UTC
Ignoring the comment regarding beating hearts (because, really, what else is she supposed to do with it?),

"They weren't anywhere near Brazil. There are about..." She runs through a map in her head, "four, five countries between them, including about half of Central America and all of Columbia.""


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 23:31:42 UTC
"Small ones, though, at least compared to the two countries we are speaking of."


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 23:34:16 UTC
"But we aren't talking about countries. You were talking about an empire which was only ever a collection of city-states bound under the rule of three other ones. It wasn't a country."


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 23:41:47 UTC
"Well, Mexico and Brazil." Croup shrugs. "Mexico was more fun back then, though. So was Brazil, for that matter."

"I like piranhas \," adds Vandemar, helpfully.


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 23:44:32 UTC
"Mexico and Brazil didn't exist, then."


"Do you? Not many people do."


mr_v_and_mr_c February 25 2009, 23:50:07 UTC
"Not with those names. The areas did, though. And Mexico City isn't nearly as fun as Tenochtitlan was."

"Yeah. It's funny to drop someone into the water, watch them flail."


onlyneed1shot February 25 2009, 23:54:00 UTC
Suddenly, she smiles.

"You've never actually dropped a live person into the water around piranhas, have you?"


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