A White Christmas

Dec 25, 2008 17:32

In the spirit of giving, she went outside last night.

Ravin walked the grounds, noted the flows of mana, examined the structure of the pocket of reality. She did not need to learn how it worked, the mutable nature of the place prevented that.

All she did was feel around the ley lines that hold the place whole, push a bit here, pull a bit there... and it was done.

The snowfall started before midnight and continued gently until morning. Eight inches of a cold white blanket, eighteen inch drifts, the lake frozen very solid: an overcast sky will prevent melting until the natural weather patterns catch up.

A single set of tracks comes from the lakeshore to the back door, where the sorceress came in to go rest in her room.

Merry Christmas, Milliways.

ravin lichvell

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