not exactly a Christmas present

Dec 25, 2008 00:04

It's got less to do with the holiday than many of the other deliveries being entrusted to the Bar this week, but - well. Cata's had the idea for a while now, and this does seem to be an appropriate time. She comes in from Bistort, goes up to her room, comes back down, has a few words with the Bar, and leaves after handing over the unwrapped item.

I'm given to understand there's a gift-giving Earth holiday afoot; one hopes this one doesn't involve inexplicable clothing changes as well, though I may not be around to find out. As such, it seemed a good time to follow through on an idea I had a few weeks ago. Having seen part of your world in action, I thought I might share a bit of mine; Fates only know if you'll have any practical use for it, but the content may interest you. -Cata

The book (which, along with the note, she asked Bar to translate into something the Medic can read) is one of the volumes on poisons Cata used to start recovering her knowledge. It's the most elementary one she has, both because she's done with it and because she's not sure whether or how much of the information might overlap with what the Medic is familiar with. (Some of it will, as there's canon use of willow bark to fend off headaches. But some is certainly not all.)

[tiny!tag: BLU Medic, Cata]

a blu medic, cata

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