Dec 22, 2008 10:14
Nobody else from outside (Milliways or otherwise) has turned up at the 2fort headquarters for several days, a fact which pleases the Medic greatly. Herr Soldier had tried to give him a dressing-down for not doing enough of his work with the team in the field, and had to be reminded loudly and at some length that the repeated deaths of surprise auslanders pressed into BLU service did not count against anybody's performance report at the end of the year. How much of the message sank in the Medic doesn't know, but he's pretty sure Herr Soldier's been running him ragged ever since as some kind of weird revenge or face-saving maneuver.
This, however, is Milliways, and Herr Soldier isn't here, which means the Medic can relax and get some coffee and a newspaper that isn't about to get pushed out of the way by someone demanding a status report. And he is damned grateful for that fact.
[tinytag: BLU Medic]