
Dec 17, 2008 19:51

It is rather early still when Teja comes in, bringing several small leather bags from the forge. One by one, he sets them upon the bar, with instructions; one by one, they vanish. Among them is the finely extruded gold and silver wire for Ravin Lichwell, the pin for Enzo Matrix, and the ring for Billy Kaplan.

In turn, the bar brings up a message Read more... )

teja, notes, arnold

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heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 02:00:31 UTC
Around the time Count starts begging for attention, Arnold appears, model airplane in hand.

"Hi, Mr. Teja!" he says in greeting.


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 02:14:21 UTC
"Greetings, Arnold!" Teja says, looking up from the little cat in his arms. "Is that a small flying machine that you have there?"


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 02:22:37 UTC
"Yes, sir! I put it together from a kit." He holds the plane out for Teja to look at.


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 02:25:26 UTC
"Can it fly?" Teja asks.


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 02:26:35 UTC
"Not this one. I'll probably hang it from my bedroom ceiling, though."


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 02:39:14 UTC
"Ahhh -- so it is a toy, or an ornament?" Teja asks. "You said not this one -- are there small flying machines that can, indeed, fly?"


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 02:42:18 UTC
"Kind of both, I guess. I mean, I could play with it, but I have a remote-controlled one for that. This I'll just hang up so it looks like it's flying." Having a gigantic skylight helps that illusion.

Then, as he remembers himself, "The remote-controlled one flies."


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 02:51:45 UTC
"That would be a nice thing to have -- a little thing to let fly around," Teja muses.


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 02:54:10 UTC
"It was a very nice gift," he agrees. "I could bring it one day for you to look at, if you want? We could fly it around the backyard."


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 02:59:00 UTC
"I do think I would like that," Teja says.


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 03:15:15 UTC
Arnold beams. "I'll be sure to bring it next time I come to the bar," he promises. "It'll be great, airplanes are awesome!"


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 03:18:48 UTC
"Do they work when it is snowing, also?" Teja asks.


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 03:21:18 UTC
"It should, as long as it isn't snowing really hard. I wouldn't want to fly it in rain, though."


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 03:28:29 UTC
"Then you may show me how it works, despite wintry weather," Teja says.


heyfootballhead December 18 2008, 04:15:38 UTC
"Definitely," he says eagerly. "I'm going to fly a plane like it for real one day."


ostro_goth December 18 2008, 11:13:24 UTC
"You wish to be a pilot?" Teja asks. "There are several of those in this place, that I have spoken to. With one man, I have flown in his small aeroplane, in his world, even."

Pause, while he considers the child before him earnestly.

"You might have what it takes for that, if you grow up and find you still wish to do it."


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