
Nov 24, 2008 10:41

Whistler originally had an entrance post about Thanksgiving and looking after Mother rather than going to Akron, but LJ ate the damn thing. This is the second time it's happened today, so you have been warned ( Read more... )

carl arbogast, whistler, suzi darley

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yucca_isnt_porn November 24 2008, 20:19:53 UTC
Duly warned, because 'looking after' Mother is a dubiously amusing task at best.

At worst it's a headache, but there is the sound of the pudgy geek cackling as he makes a line for the garage.


dontlooklisten November 24 2008, 20:55:36 UTC
"Hi, Mother," calls Whistler without lifting his head. "I get the feeling that i don't want to know."


yucca_isnt_porn November 24 2008, 21:46:26 UTC
"I'm not cackling about the G.H.M." Mother flings back. Although he may do that in a moment. "Can't I throw people off the scent and cackle for no reason at all?"

...we know this answer.


dontlooklisten November 24 2008, 22:16:16 UTC
"Keep talking. I need to triangulate if I'm going to give you the look you deserve."


yucca_isnt_porn November 24 2008, 22:35:38 UTC
Yeh, the icon pretty much has the sound Mother's making, and he's long since used to such dirty looks.

"Hey, random question. Is Suzi allergic to anything in pumpkin pie?"


dontlooklisten November 25 2008, 15:23:55 UTC
"I don't think so," says Whistler. "I'll run it by her, but I'm pretty sure a basic pumpkin pie recipe shouldn't do her any harm."


yucca_isnt_porn November 25 2008, 19:41:41 UTC
"Good, count on me to bake one, unless further notified."

Mother, buy storemade punkin pie? ...When hell freezes over.


dontlooklisten November 25 2008, 20:07:59 UTC
"Thanks for the heads up," Whistler says. "Anything else we should be aware of?"


yucca_isnt_porn November 25 2008, 21:10:15 UTC
"Nothing really... don't have the goods or the prep ready for a brined turkey this year." Mother muses. "Congrats on Suzi getting her citizenship."


dontlooklisten December 1 2008, 20:11:55 UTC
"Thanks. You know, I don't think she even had to pull anything on the proctor..."


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