Happy Hour!

Nov 05, 2008 17:45

Momiji is back behind the bar, tonight, looking decidedly chipper. He's on his tiptoes with a piece of pink chalk, carefully writing on the Specials Board in his best English. His handwriting, it should be noted, is not very good, tending towards the scribbly and cutesy instead of neatness. Still, the letters are big enough that they should still be legible! And you have to give him credit for effort - he looks about as business-like as he can, reaching up to scratch out each letter, one by one.

When he's finished, the thing reads:


Tiger Tail
White Rabbit
Blue Dragon
Snake in the Grass
Horse's Neck
Battering Ram
Monkey in a Tree
Red Rooster
Salty Dog
Apple KaRATe
Red Ox
Okay, so he cheated a bit, on the Boar and the Rat ones. But finding drinks with the Zodiac animals in them took a long time! It's not his fault!

In any case, lest anyone fail to be delighted by his hard work/time-wasting, he's added below, in somewhat cramped lettering:

Specials are half-off! And any special bought for someone else is free (limit one per purchaser)!
Once he's managed to get all of that jotted up on the board, he settles down and looks out at the bar, cheerily (and loudly) announcing: "HAPPY HOUR!!"

((ETA: I'm off for the night, folks. My brain is all non-functiony, all of a sudden. Slowtime stickers all around!))

ingress, epimetheus, momiji sohma, happy hour

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