The Bar's sense of humor is infamous.

Oct 31, 2008 18:00

Oh. It's Halloween again.

That was Yrael's first thought after walking in from outside to find himself... transformed. His white clothes had been replaced by far too much black leather. Far too much. His short white hair had been replaced by long, somewhat physics-defying silver-white hair, flowing in an unfelt breeze.

The book on earth politics that had been in his hand, had replaced by an equally-if-not-more-physics-defying-than-his-hair katana, which made getting the rest of the way through the door rather difficult.

His second thought goes like this:

...I don't even know Latin.

Because that's when he notices the music that followed him in.


Someone needs a hug from his Mother needs a drink. Yrael may start looking for a waitrat to poke with his too-long katana.

teja, cloud, yrael, axel

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