(no subject)

Oct 22, 2008 22:00

The door opens, and a dead Ostrogoth walks into the bar, with a case of wine under his arm.

This is, indeed, not the way that Teja normally enters, but he had been gone with Demeter, to the place where he was born.

First, he leaves a message with the bar.

To Billy Kaplan, Teja son of Tagila gives greetings!

I am back now, and if you wish to leave now, you can. But, as you said you would only leave after the day the Christians call All Souls, I might go again, before that day, to hear space aliens make music in Atton Rand's world. But if I do, I will leave another message.-


After doing that, Teja gets a cup of well-watered red wine (not from his case), and sits by the fireplace. From his belt pouch, he gets a corroded bronze fibula decorated with a stylised horse, an turns it over in his fingers, pondering.-

teja, oom, yrael

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