Oct 05, 2008 16:53
At typical Happy Hour time, Urania is sitting at the bar with a laptop in front of her, working out an advanced formula to improve the range of a space telescope. It isn't until Mercury, bobbing at her elbow, nudges her that she realizes that no one is getting behind the bar to serve people.
"We did do this a couple weeks ago, didn't we? And it wasn't terribly bad, we could do it again."
She stands and goes around the bar, closing her computer and bringing it with her.
"What kind of drinks this time?"
Mercury bobs at her, as if to say Why would I know?
She does an internet search and comes up with a list of acceptable beverages, which she writes up on the chalkboard.
Astral Gateway
Space Odyssey
Free Fortune Told with Drink Purchase.
ianto jones