(no subject)

Sep 15, 2008 21:14

A few minutes after this -- in Bar time, who knows how time is kept in the place from whence she's come -- Illyria enters through the door. She's completely filthy -- most of her blue is obscured by blood of various colors, and none it hers, save a tiny cut on her left cheek just beneath her eye. She'd taken some time to rip the claws out of the creature who'd dealt the offending strike, or she might've been here sooner.

In any case, none of the above seems to have dulled her mood any. She is practically beaming -- it can occasionally be difficult to tell with Illyria, who rarely if ever actually smiles anything but the faintest of smiles, but there is absolutely no way at all anyone could mistake the triumphant look about her.

Come, then, and discover what makes the ex-goddess look so.

[ooc: tags open until forever and ever and ever, because she's never this happy, folks. >:D]

[teeny tiny DOOMy tag: wilbur whateley]

the doctor, edward cullen, illyria

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