(no subject)

Aug 22, 2008 21:28

[oom: business]

Doc makes his way downstairs, heads out back, checks on the horses, the stables, the jungle (which is shrinking, he thinks, though it's hard to tell in the dark) and then makes his way back into the bar. Dinner is nothing special (at least he eats, though) and then he leaves a note* for Percy with the bar. After burning a stack of papers in the fireplace...he's got nothing left to do. He's not tired, though.

Which is why he ends up sitting at the bar with a stack of newspapers beside him. There are a few issues of the New York Union Tribune (dated in late July, 1880) and another of The Weekly New Mexican which is opened to a story on Sheriff Pat Garrett and his hunt for Billy the Kid's posse.

But Doc is reading something else at the moment, ignoring his glass of whiskey in favor of slowly scanning the pages of the paper in front of him.

[ooc: Botherable. No tags please. As for the note he left Percy, there's some rough context of the content in the OOM.]

doc scurlock

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