
Aug 22, 2008 22:24

"There's a step up, Hawkeye," says a muffled voice, and then the door opens.

"It's always a step u--" says Hawkeye Pierce, and he stops, his head cocked to the side and his eyes bandaged as they were before. He's wearing a particularly loud blue-and-white Hawaiian shirt under his bathrobe ( Read more... )

molly hayes, x-23, medusa, father mulcahy, hawkeye pierce

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ggollymissmolly August 27 2008, 02:04:14 UTC
Molly has a HUGE bowl of cereal. Said cereal may be more sugar than anything else, but it does at least resemble a breakfast food. (She also has a sparkly purple milkshake, because some things are eternal.)

She is, however, currently neglecting both in favour of staring wide-eyed at Hawkeye and Mulcahy.

"Dude, Mr Hawkeye, what's with the blindfold?"


yankeedoodle_dr August 31 2008, 01:33:20 UTC
"What's that?" says Hawkeye, cupping his hand to his ear. "Do I hear the dulcet tones of Her Highness Princess Molly?"

His head is almost turned in the right direction.


cheerychaplain August 31 2008, 01:34:18 UTC
"Yes," Father Mulcahy says, mild and helpful. "You do." He waves. "Hello, Molly."

(The priest is going to let Hawkeye handle all sight-related questions.)


ggollymissmolly August 31 2008, 01:58:33 UTC
Molly ignores the cereal to come running over and give Hawkeye a hug. (Dude, he has a totally huge bandage on! And he called her Princess! A hug is definitely what he needs.)

"Hi Hawkeye hi Father-dude!"


yankeedoodle_dr September 5 2008, 04:54:02 UTC
"Oof," says Hawkeye, and he manages to return the hug with one arm with minimal fuss. "You getting taller there, your highness?"


ggollymissmolly September 6 2008, 00:06:46 UTC
She grins, even though he can't see her. "Maybe. I dunno."

Pause. "Don't know if Bound kids get any older."


cheerychaplain December 22 2008, 01:38:25 UTC
"Oh, no," says Father Mulcahy, looking troubles. "Are you bound, Molly?"


ggollymissmolly December 22 2008, 01:54:38 UTC
She nods. "Since I turned up here, ages'n'ages back. It sucks."

Molly looks up at them. "You two aren't, though, right?"


yankeedoodle_dr December 22 2008, 17:44:38 UTC
Hawkeye glances in Mulcahy's general direction; he's getting better at it.

"What's the good word, Father?"


cheerychaplain December 22 2008, 17:45:24 UTC
Mulcahy, in turn, looks toward the door. "There does appear to be a door," he answers, and then his attention returns to Molly. "Do you have friends keeping you company?" he asks, concerned.


yankeedoodle_dr December 22 2008, 17:45:55 UTC
Hawkeye scoffs lightly. "Princess Molly? Please, Father. Of course she does. She's got plenty of loyal subjects."


ggollymissmolly December 23 2008, 18:11:27 UTC
Molly giggles at Hawkeye, tugging on his hand since he obviously can't see her stick her tongue out at him.

"All my friends from outside are here, now," she tells the priest. "It's me and Vic and K and Nico and Xavin and Chase and Gert and Old Lace. And there's plenty of people in the bar that I like."

See? It's totally okay, honest!


cheerychaplain January 6 2009, 07:52:40 UTC
(Hawkeye is grinning in the direction of the hand-tugging.)

Father Mulcahy, meanwhile, is still not entirely convinced.

"You're sure you're all right?" he asks.

She's very young.


ggollymissmolly January 6 2009, 12:57:23 UTC
"I'm totally fine," Molly says firmly, giving Mulcahy what might be termed a warning look.

"Seriously. I always am."

She always has to be.


yankeedoodle_dr January 9 2009, 00:31:47 UTC
"Didn't you hear her, Father?" says Hawkeye. "Seriously." (Maybe he's teasing both of them, a little, but it's relatively gentle.)

"So, Your Highness," he says, "I've got a royal task for you." With the bandage on, his movements become far more pronounced; his head tilts to one side. "Are you going to be up to snuff?"


ggollymissmolly January 9 2009, 03:21:12 UTC
Molly turns her attention to Hawkeye, curious.

"Sure, I guess." She peers up at him, curious. "What sorta task?"


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