
Jul 23, 2008 22:00

[OOM: A cycle or two ago, a pair of prodigal sprites returned. Accusations were made, bombs were dropped, and someone's sleeping on the couch for a while.]With her impromptu vacation over and done with, AndrAIa enters the Bar with a bag full of souvenirs. She swings by the bar briefly and snags a Wikibrau before situating herself on one of the ( Read more... )

welman "nibbles" matrix, mouse, deerskin, andraia, enzo matrix, matrix, dot matrix, dani phantom, oom, guardian bob

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a1enzo July 24 2008, 05:41:20 UTC

"AndrAIa!" Think fast, incoming sprite-child! "You're back!"


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 05:55:52 UTC
AndrAIa recognizes the jubilant cry, and barely has enough time to place her drink on the table and brace herself for impact as the incoming sprite-child collides with her, sending both Game sprite and child to the floor in a tangle of limbs.


a1enzo July 24 2008, 06:00:00 UTC

"How was your trip? Did you bring me anything? What were the tigers like? Sis was scary mad you were gone, did she yell at you?"


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 06:13:13 UTC
She peers up at the younger sprite from her position on the floor; well, this position's vaguely familiar, and with a whole lot of awkward thrown in too.

She squirms at bit, prodding at his side.

"First, let me up, then it's one question at a time please, Sprout."


a1enzo July 24 2008, 06:21:23 UTC
"Right, sorry."

It's so hard to remember not to bowl people over, isn't it?


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 06:28:57 UTC
Thank the User that Matrix got over that long ago, otherwise we'd all be in trouble.

"No harm done."

The Game sprite rises from the floor, brushing herself off before sitting again and retrieving her drink.

"Alright, now, questions?"


a1enzo July 24 2008, 06:31:53 UTC
Most important question first! "What'd you bring me?" he asks with a winsome smile.


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 06:33:29 UTC
AndrAIa smirks at the younger sprite.

"And what makes you think I brought you anything, Sprout?"


a1enzo July 24 2008, 06:53:40 UTC


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 06:56:40 UTC
She continues to smirk.



renegade_enzo July 24 2008, 07:14:40 UTC
Now that everything's unpacked [everything that was not a souvenir that is], he can join up with AndrAIa in-bar.

"Done," he announces to AndrAIa as simply as possible, then, to Enzo, "You're not bothering her, are you?"

His teasing is still in need of practise, but it's improving. He's even taken to smirking nicely, to help people tell the difference.


a1enzo July 24 2008, 07:18:30 UTC
"No," Enzo says innocently. Define bothering. "What's done?"


renegade_enzo July 24 2008, 07:34:54 UTC
Skeptical look.

C'mon now. You and Matrix are effectively the same person at different ages. And Matrix has already been your age.

"Unpacking," he clarifies. He'd decided to unload anything that was not in the souvenir bag.

Such a gentleman. His etiquette lessons are paying off.

Though, there was one item that was not where he put it last...


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 07:43:00 UTC
'Scuse the mun while she whistles innocently, ktnx.

AndrAIa tugs a certain bag to her side.

"You know, I suppose there might be something in here for you, Enzo.


a1enzo July 24 2008, 15:26:54 UTC
"Sweet!" Not that he's surprised. "What is it?"


notascreensaver July 24 2008, 20:51:43 UTC
"You'll just have to wait a moment and see."

She tugs the bag in front of her and starts digging through it. After a moment, a certain trophy is brought out and thrust at Enzo.

"Hold this a nano."


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