Four EPs.

Jul 06, 2008 13:49

[Back in Eureka, SARAH attempts a little investigating, and she's not nearly as quick as she should be.

Also, she needs to learn how to lie better.]

"How exactly does a bunker travel?" Zoe had asked, and it's a good question, too.

"I do not understand fully how it operates, Zoe. For some time it was simply random, whenever both you and Sheriff Carter were out for the day. Lately, though, I have been able to re-process my collected data files from Milliways -- "

Like the maps SARAH was showing her boss and her residents earlier.


" -- And I just appear." Beat, and the steel door to the bar swings open, as well as the internal door towards the living room and the three people standing inside.

"Welcome to Milliways."

"If you continue to make faces, Sheriff Carter, it may stick that way."

[ooc: Four pups, four muns. Um. Yeah. Go for it! :D!! ETA: Er, we have a chat to coordinate, because four muns is a lot: eurekainbar. Have at.]

[tinytag: zoe carter, jack carter, nathan stark]

nathan stark, daniel jackson, x-23, jamie hamilton, sarah, inari, oom

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