(no subject)

Jun 11, 2008 10:49

Well, here's someone we haven't seen for a while.

Mouse is ensconced in a booth, typing away on a portable workstation with a mug of Java at her elbow. She's working on a new project, not as ambitious or radical as the kind of work she usually likes, but she's very engaged in the task nonetheless because it addresses a problem that's seriously ticking her off.

Lately, Mainframe's maintenance and security workers have been getting a lot of trouble from the so-called neo-Virals, a bunch of disgruntled and exceptionally BASIC binomes who used to work for Megabyte. The Neovirals have been sabotaging, vandalizing, smashing and generally fragging up bits of municipal infrastructure throughout the system, especially in Ghetty Prime, Megabyte's old territory. Last second a few of them hijacked a CPU car while the officers were investigating a call, and caused a lot of property damage, injury, and general ruckus before they finally totaled their ride and got collared by system authorities.

While Mouse engaged in quite a lot of destruction/vandalism/theft of public property herself back in her younger days, she has little sympathy for the neo-Virals. She is trying to use her technical skills and...particular sense of humor to find ways of preventing the neo-Virals from messing with power lines and the like.

She's botherable, especially if you can suggest an effective deterrent.

hexadecimal, mouse, enzo matrix

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