
May 29, 2008 09:01

When Medusa comes down, the Bar is...different. Changed. (This one has never seen Steampunk)

Cautiously, she moves over to the Bar.

"Hello! Welcome to Milliways. Today, Milliways marks the Cybertronian holiday of Cubefall, the anniversary of the day upon which the Allspark first landed on the rocky world that would become Cybertron. Would you ( Read more... )

teja, pomona, dean o'dell, medusa, dot matrix

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dean_o_dell May 28 2008, 23:34:02 UTC
There is no reason that Medusa should recognize the very well-toned, somewhat rough-hewn man in the tanktop. Or even have any idea why he's smiling. So he makes his introduction. "Medusa? It's Cyrus O'Dell."


mycursedface May 28 2008, 23:35:10 UTC
Unless he smelt the same as before...No, no she would not.

"Oh. I take it you said yes to the offer?"


dean_o_dell May 28 2008, 23:38:38 UTC
He smells like a boxer from the early 20th century, albeit with 21st century hygiene and deodorant. "Yes. I'm a boxer from before I was born. A heavyweight champion. And...well, it's amazing. I have never been this healthy in my life. Or death."


mycursedface May 28 2008, 23:56:49 UTC
A flickering smile.

"It pleases you?"


dean_o_dell May 28 2008, 23:58:39 UTC
"Oh, yes." He smiles at the ideas in his head, some that he can't share, some that he suspects she wouldn't get. "I've never been as athletic as I wanted to be. I love sports and tried to keep in shape. But not like this." He shadowboxes for a moment.


mycursedface May 29 2008, 00:00:52 UTC
Now, Medusa grins at him.

"Well, now here's your chance."


dean_o_dell May 29 2008, 00:20:20 UTC
"Here's my chance." He takes a seat, all smiles. "And how are you?"


mycursedface May 29 2008, 00:23:04 UTC
"I'm. I'm okay."


dean_o_dell May 29 2008, 00:24:55 UTC
"Oh." He takes a breath. "This sort of thing isn't for you. I'm sorry." He suspects he got a little carried away. And he's not even really noticing the decor at the moment, either.


mycursedface May 29 2008, 00:26:35 UTC
Eyebrows go up.

"I have a boyfriend, if that's what you were heading towards. No, it's...Had an offer too, to change things." She lifts up one of her small hands, touches her snakes and braids.


dean_o_dell May 29 2008, 00:29:53 UTC
He makes a bit of face. "If you thought I was implying...I wasn't." Not on purpose, at any rate. "There's someone in my life as well." Sort of. Though he really wonders if this isn't the moment to see just where things might go.

"And...I guess you wouldn't see this the same way I would. I should have thought a bit more. I guess my mouth is ahead of my brain this once. Boxers aren't known for their thinking, for the most part."


mycursedface May 29 2008, 00:40:53 UTC
"Okay." A wry, amused smile. "What were you apologizing for?"


dean_o_dell May 29 2008, 00:42:31 UTC
"Just for not thinking is all." Things not to do: offend a gorgon. Even a friendly one. "I suppose you have no idea about 20th century boxing, do you?"


mycursedface May 29 2008, 00:45:05 UTC
"Not the slightest amount."


dean_o_dell May 29 2008, 00:47:40 UTC
"This body belonged to a man named Jack Dempsey. He was one of the best of his age. I never saw him fight, but I've read a lot about the sport, and about him. It's something of a hobby.

"It's not the same as it was in your day, though. Different rules, and padded gloves." He thinks that the fighters and wrestlers of the original Olympics would scoff at the wimps of the modern world.


mycursedface May 29 2008, 00:54:41 UTC
Another quick smile.

"My sisters and I have no real rules when we fight. But, humans are different."


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