(no subject)

May 28, 2008 16:12

Sal and Meg are off doing something together-Ben has a suspicion it involves hair dye in colors not approved by the Fleet-and Dekker's in the simulator trying to beat Mitchell's time on some computer-generated obstacle course. Hell if Ben wants to be around to see Dekker crashing into brightly-colored asteroids.

Plenty of time to see if any doors happen to open onto Milliways and get severely drunk somewhere that Comdr. Mallory can't find him. (His new captain is seriously scary, if not in the same way as Porey-the-skuz.)

The door leading out of the ready room's finally the one that does it, and when it vanishes behind him Ben doesn't even notice-he's too busy gawking at the construction toys. He dimly recognizes some of them from the creche where he was raised after his parents' death, but not the rest, and after a long, puzzled moment, he asks aloud, "Is somebody rebuilding the place?"

[tinytag: Cubefall]

bumblebee, ben pollard

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