(no subject)

May 17, 2008 21:38

The door swings open.

In walks a small, mousey fellow with a guitar and bassett-hound eyes under scraggly black curls that haven't seen a pair of scissors in a year or more. He weaves his way over to the bar, a long trenchcoat billowing a bit (because it's too big for him, and it looks a little silly). He swings himself into a stool and lays his rough hands flat on the bartop.

"Hit me, lady. Th' usual."

Whatever that may mean in HIS mind -- considering he hasn't BEEN here in months of Bar time and slightly under a year in his -- Bar delivers a small glass of amber liquid and a couple of little pills.

Total badassery, yeah. Except that it's allergy meds and applejuice. BUT IT'S ON THE ROCKS.

The poet sighs and swallows the pills and juice and sits there strumming his guitar looking morose.

COME SAY HI and ask where he got the ridiculous coat.

[tinytag: Bella Moriarty]

miniver cheevy, ginny weasley, le chiffre, mia ausa

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