
Apr 28, 2008 22:13

There is a little Parisan rat in the bar tonight.

It's been a while, but as usual, he is quite happy to see Milliways again.

He has a blank sheet of paper before him, and a pen resting beside him. He looks to be in relatively deep thought, but he is quite open to non-hostile company, regardless.

alfredo linguini, remy (ratatouille)

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garbage_boy April 29 2008, 02:54:02 UTC
Non-hostile company, you say?

"Uh... hey! You're writing?" Curiously.

Oops. Now he's probably gone and ruined Remy's zen. It's just surprising is all, especially since... well, time is funny here. It's been a while.


ratatouiller April 29 2008, 03:00:48 UTC
Remy blinks, turning his head to look up at Linguini.

"Oh - yeah. I was thinking of writing some of our recipes down," he explains, ears twitching cheerfully.

(There is a possibility he has been thinking of creating his own book.)

He doesn't seem to be too bothered by the interruption.


garbage_boy April 29 2008, 03:10:01 UTC
"That does sound like a good idea.

Er. I didn't mean to distract you or anything. Just haven't seen you in a while."

At Milliways you tend to find yourself saying some strange-sounding things.


ratatouiller April 29 2008, 03:22:12 UTC
He smiles. "Nah, you're not distracting me. I was just thinking about the things we've made so far - and there's a lot."

They've been quite busy at Gusteau's, though Linguini is right as well. Canon aside, "Yeah, you're right. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Oh, Milliways.


garbage_boy April 29 2008, 03:24:54 UTC
Beam! "There are a lot. Actually, it's been--

--oh! I met Emile!"

More beaming!

He rather likes Emile.


ratatouiller April 29 2008, 03:44:12 UTC
"He's great, isn't he?"

Remy smiles widely. "I'm so glad he's found this place. Actually, I'm glad to see him at all. It means my whole family's okay."

Which is a huge relief.


garbage_boy April 29 2008, 03:56:05 UTC
"Yeah, he is. And he seems to like it here."

The spontaneous generation of food and pro-rat environment probably helps.

"It's good to know-- you know. That we don't have to worry."

Yep, 'we'. Linguini was worried too, but now he doesn't have to wonder if he's unintentionally keeping Remy from finding his family.


ratatouiller April 29 2008, 04:12:18 UTC
'We' has sort of become the norm between the two of them as of late, it seems. Remy hasn't really paid it any close attention, though. It makes sense - they do practically everything together.

"Being here will probably teach him a thing or two about food," he says amusedly. "At least one can hope."


garbage_boy April 29 2008, 04:38:05 UTC
His amusement is shared! "You do seem pretty different from each other."

But then, Linguini isn't all that picky either.

...he draws the line at most of the things non-cooking rats eat, however, and he's learned a fair bit about food from living in Paris and, er... watching himself cook it.


ratatouiller April 29 2008, 04:50:26 UTC
It's a good learning experience, as far as Remy is concerned. He wishes Emile would pick up a little more, too.

But in the end, he's just happy he knows his brother is all right.

"I'm pretty different from all of my family," he admits.


garbage_boy April 29 2008, 05:20:30 UTC
"That sounds tough. They love you, though, right? Maybe someday they'll understand, but that won't change, at least."

He still looks sympathetic -- even so, being different from everyone else is pretty lonely.


ratatouiller May 2 2008, 02:22:02 UTC
"Yeah," Remy says, nodding slowly. He's not sure Linguini quite understands his family, but his optimism is definitely encouraging.

"You're right." He pauses. "Though I'd be glad to never be Poison Checker again."

[ooc: so sorry about the delay in replying! Life has been eating me.]


garbage_boy May 2 2008, 02:46:13 UTC
Well, he doesn't really. But pessimism wouldn't do anyone any good.

"Poison Checker?"

That sounds kind of... ominous.

[ooc: it's aaaalll good! :Db]


ratatouiller May 2 2008, 03:14:24 UTC
"Yeeeah...you see, when we were still living out in the country, some of the people living there started putting rat-poison into the waste."

He rolls his eyes.

"Well, thanks to my highly-developed sense of smell, I can point out whether something is poisonous or not. My dad appointed me as the official Poison Checker. Rats would line up while I went through their garbage."

Not the most exciting job, let's just say.


garbage_boy May 2 2008, 05:08:21 UTC
...well, that tops any job Linguini's ever had as far as... something... is concerned.

He pulls a well-that's-not-on face.

"No wonder you're so good at cooking, though. I couldn't figure out how you can always tell if a recipe needs something."

It's like a superpower.

Which may sound like an exaggeration, but Linguini tasted that soup.


ratatouiller May 3 2008, 00:17:32 UTC
Remy shrugs humbly as much as a rat could, a small smile appearing on his face.

"I just really like the way combining different foods can create these amazing new tastes and smells," he explains enthusiastically. "Nothing else in the world can quite do what food can."


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