(no subject)

Apr 19, 2008 21:54

When the Doctor comes downstairs to get a pot of tea and some dinner, he instantly notices that something's changed.

He can see the door.

Dinner and tea are forgotten as he dashes back upstairs and returns with the two Magnaclamps he'd entered with.

He doesn't pause as he heads through the door and back into the fray.

Some time later, an astute observer looking out the Observation Window might spot a tiny blue box in orbit around one of the dying stars.

Not too long after that, the familiar wheezing death-throes-of-an-accordion sound echoes through the lakeside area and the blue box appears in its familiar spot at the end of a well-traveled footpath.

And shortly after that, the back door opens, and a haggard-looking Time Lord with tear tracks staining his cheeks walks inside, pausing at the bar only long enough to get some tea before retreating to a booth in one of the many darkened corners the room seems to always have.

[ooc: This is probably not the best time to be meeting the Doctor for the first or second time, so only people he knows pretty well, please.]

ace (pyro), the doctor

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